Facebook Ads have some of the best results and don't HAVE to break the bank... 

but they totally can! Time to learn simple Facebook Ads ON A BUDGET.

Facebook ads are an enormous topic! We're going to go bite-sized and actionable, getting you started with simple ads for a low cost to test out audiences, ad copy, & images that work to sell BOOKS.

In this training, you'll learn:

  • The pros and cons of Facebook ads - plus what to watch out for!
  • How to set up and test simple ads
  • Writing copy and choosing the correct images
  • How to find and target the right audiences
  • Scaling up & down 
  • How to read the results and tweak ads for better success
  • Whether or not you should boost ads
  • How to know if your ads are actually working

This will be a 90-120 minute workshop with a ton of great bonus content, including a case study watching one ad over a week's time. 

Who is Kirsten Oliphant?

Kirsten Oliphant has an MFA in fiction and hosts the Create If Writing podcast. 

She is a sought-after speaker who has taught at a number of events such as Podcast Movement, Social Media Breakfast, Social Media Day, Blogher Food, Blog Elevated, and multiple local writing groups. 

She has self-published over a dozen books in multiple genres and under different pen names. Her goals are to make a full-time income as an indie author, writing books she loves. There may come a time where she traditionally publishes books as well, but plans to be firmly planted in the indie world.